The CSC Organising Team is excited to announce the deployment of the Discord Server for the Cyber Security Challenge. The purpose of the server is to enable more regular interaction regarding the CSC competition. The server is open to both…
CTF Training
A wonderful initiative from BITM Cyber Security to help grow the pool of cybersecurity specialists. Their online Capture The Flag platform is now live. All students welcome to try and test their cybersecurity skills. The perfect opportunity to prepare for the CSC…
CTF Preparation
The CSC Committee Team encourage students interested to further improve their CTF skills to consider participating in the Fetch The Flag CTF event to be hosted by Snyk. The CTF is scheduled for 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. ET on November 9.…
First Cyber Security Challenge Training Session a Success
Thank you to all who attended and participated in the Cyber Security Challenge (CSC) introductory training session hosted virtually on 17th of August 2022. A quickly glance at the attendance number at one point showed over 190 students present in…
Cyber Security Challenge (CSC) Introductory Training – 17 August 2022
The CSC Organising Team is hosting a virtual training session for students interested in participating in the CSC event this year. The planned agenda for the training session is as follows: Overview of Capture the Flag & Attack/Defend Events CTF:…
Updated Training Material
The existing training material has been re-organized and updated. A beginner’s guide has been include to introduce new students to the Cyber Security Challenge and CTFs in general. The training material will be updated on a continuous basis – remember…